
My Kid Is Smarter Than Me

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I think it happened somewhere about the middle of third grade. My daughter started bringing home math problems that I couldn’t solve without looking up the answers to.

And now, now I am pretty sure my kid is smarter than me.

my kid is smarter than me

Well, I can’t go on letting her know that, now can I? So, I have come up with some great ways to help my kiddo with her homework!

Three Ways To Help Your Kid With Their Homework

Step by Step. Sometimes they already know HOW to do something, they just need you to break it down step by step for them. You might not even have to do the actual breaking down. When my daughter gets a little confused I just say, “Okay, what’s the first thing you need to do?… Now, the next?” until she finishes the problem!

Study Groups. We have a lot of neighborhood kids around the house, and one of the rules at my house is you can TOTALLY go and play, but you have to finish your homework first. This has turned into the kids stopping my my house, finishing up their homework at the kitchen table over a snack and helping each other through any rough spots. (You have to supervise this one pretty closely… because you don’t want any cheating, but as long as you are watching, they are almost always on their best behavior.

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