10 Things Every Girl Should Know Before She Moves Out On Her Own
There is a viral thread on Reddit that I wish I had seen years ago. It deals with all the things that young teen girls should know, but aren’t always told.

There are so many things that I wish I knew as a young girl that I didn’t learn until I was older.
Hindsight is 20/20, AMIRITE?
But, it’s not too late to teach them to my daughter, and for that I am thankful.

Leave it to the geniuses on Reddit. They have come up with an entire list of things that girls should know in life, but aren’t always taught.
Here Is A List Of Things That Every Girl Should Know Before She Grows Up And Moves Out

1. Here Is A List Of Excellent Tips And Tricks For That Dreaded Time Of The Month
magnesium helps with period cramps when taken as a daily vitamin. has saved my life on many occasions lol.
Magnesium is known as “nature’s relaxant.” You may have heard that it is excellent to use after a workout to stave off muscle cramps. Well, magnesium also works by relaxing the smooth muscles of the uterus.

It’s pretty normal to have some level of diarrhea/weird poops when you’re on your period. Sorry it’s a thing, but if you’re reading this I’m glad you don’t need to get to like 30 before finding out it isn’t just you like I did.
Here’s a tip I’d like to add to this section. Anything acidic will give you worse cramps: anything with tomatoes, lemonade, orange juice, even sometimes spicy things like jalapenos. It’s best to avoid them during “that time of the month.”

2. You Always Want To Strive For Financial Independence
[Teach them] Strategies for financial independence, self defence, self love, and assertive communication.

This might be the best advice on the entire thread! You don’t want your kids — no matter the gender — to have to rely on others for financial freedom. They can, and should, be in charge of their own futures.
As a guy, this is sh*t for sure I’ll teach my future daughters, especially the financial one. It’s not ‘boy stuff’ it’s ‘sophisticated member of society’ stuff.

There is a great podcast I love called ‘she’s on the money.’ Older episodes explain in easy to understand feminist millennial lingo about stocks and shares and mortgages and all the stuff.
Now, I can’t personally vouch for this podcast, but it has helped others. Might be worth a listen or two.

3. Listen To Your Instincts, And Stick Up For Yourself
If they’re doing things to make you uncomfortable, THEY’RE being rude to you! You don’t need to reward them with politeness. Tell them to stop and leave.

If something in your brain is telling you to get away, get away.
Take action and yourself at first priority. If your gut is telling you that a guy/a group is making you uncomfortable, excuse yourself accordingly and don’t underestimate your gut. If you think your period has started and/or leaked, don’t wait and check. Road trip and need to use the restroom? Due to our lack of water pistols, please stop at a gas station. Also just a note, your tummy will look different throughout the day. Usually it gets larger and smaller post-meal and from varying gas amounts. It’s OK. They’re made to protect organs, anyway, they don’t have to be as flat as a door.

It can be scary dismissing yourself if you lack confidence, you don’t want to offend them or trigger them. USE GOING TO THE BATHROOM as an excuse to remove yourself from the situation and collect yourself.
Learn self defense and practice with men. Doesn’t matter where you live.

Just because there is another female present doesn’t mean you are automatically safe. Women can be predators too.
4. No Means No, And It’s Okay To Say It
Not only do you get to say “no” whenever you want, you also get to say “yes” when you want! Don’t let society teach you that you need to act shy or play games in order to be desireable. As a society, in order to stand our ground that “no” means “no”, women must also be willing to express when it’s a yes.

Self-love is WILD. I’m still learning but it’s something I’ve been working with a therapist on and it’s pretty incredible. It’s so much easier to stand up for myself and establish boundaries now that I think I’m worth defending/protecting. I’m not worthless, and it’s cool to actually sort of believe that.
If you’re getting to know someone, say No to something. Like if they suggest a date to get together say ‘I’m sorry, I have a commitment that day, but I’m free X.’ Doesn’t matter if it’s true or not. You’re looking for their reaction. A green flag is if they immediately agree, or apologize and suggest a new date like it’s no big deal. A red flag would be if they get mad or offended that you told them no. Most people are obvious about this, so you know to get out of the situation asap and block them. The dangerous ones are the subtle ones. The ones who act like they are OK with the change, but there’s an underlying attitude of “How dare u?” and then they try to manipulate you so you change your no to a yes. Treat these people like the predators they are and GTFO. Be rude if necessary. Because these people will try to enmesh themselves into your life, and then start abusing you.

5. You Can And Should Advocate For Yourself At The Doctor’s Offices
For years, they had trouble finding my right ovary in ultrasounds. When I finally found a doctor to believe me (in my 20s), he immediately recommended a laparoscopy to check things out. Turns out, my right ovary was attached to my back because of the endometriosis.
Ladies when you go for a smear test (or pap smear for my American gals) they “guess” the size of the instrument, the speculum, they need to use on you based on your height. It’s shouldn’t be painful, you can ask for a smaller one if it hurts. They just don’t offer that info out!

6. Let’s Talk About Boobs
Let me preface this by saying that you should ALWAYS trust your instincts. If you are concerned about something having to do with your breasts, get it checked out. Regular mammograms are so important, and can save your life.

Lumps in your breasts are not always cancer! Of course get them checked out, but it is COMMON to find cysts in your breasts!
Source: found a lump in my breast, freaked out, searched Google, freaked out more, stewed for months, booked an appointment with my Obgyn only for him to tell me “yeah its a cyst, stop messing with it. It’s common”

Also, just because your doctor recommends a breast biopsy doesn’t mean it’s cancer. Anything with >2% of being cancer gets biopsied. Especially if it’s palpable. That means for something nonagressive, there’s >90% chance it’s not.
Be responsible, do the right thing, always get evaluated on the off chance you’re one of the cases where it makes a difference (early detection saves lives!) But don’t give yourself cancer mentally and torture yourself needlessly.

7. Don’t Just Avoid Pregnancy Scares
There is no shame in doing a pregnancy test. In fact, if something is weird with your hormones/body that you haven’t experienced much before, it’s always better to do a test just to be sure. Even if it’s unlikely you are pregnant, if there is any likelihood at all just do the test and be sure. I heard of it so many times at this point that even fully grown women hesitate (sometimes for weeks!) to do a test and it can land you in hot waters. Besides, it is agony to have that creeping doubt. Every contraceptive can fail and it’s much better to know early and have all the options. On that same note: Cheap pregnancy tests work exactly the same and are just as effective as expensive pregnancy tests. I keep a multipack of cheap stick tests just to be sure.

I live in a household of girls, we keep a Costco pack under one of the bathroom sinks like we do tampons and toilet paper. It happens. Rather us be prepared with a stick then have to go run and grab one in the moment. Also: you can get plan B on doordash/Uber eats if available in your state.

8. Know A Few Basic Sewing Skills
Honestly, sewing and altering clothes- not for gendered reasons, but because our clothes often times fit irregularly. A size 12 in one brand will fit completely differently from a size 12 in a different brand.
Also, you can learn to sew larger pockets into your pants.

This is a good skill for anyone of any gender or sex to learn. I’m a man and my grandma taught me basic sewing as a kid. It’s saved me so much money.
Or just to add pockets to most pants made for women. Just bought two new pairs, and dammit!!! Fake front pockets. Should’ve checked before buying.

9. Know The Best Ways To Wash Your Nether Regions
How to wash genitals. Many women have gotten infections due to not knowing how to wash themselves. Like fragrant soaps or douching is obviously bad but not taught very often.

I’ll also recommend against using typical soaps or shower gels with strong fragrances or dyes, as that can cause irritation. A gentle soap like Dove or Ivory, the classics lol but classic for a reason, or Vanicream has a great gentle and fragrance-free body wash.
I would also add that sometimes sitting in a bubble bath can cause infections. This is normal, but if it happens you might want to rethink bubble baths.

10. Know How To Change A Tire

Step 1: Pull over to to safe place where it is flat, not to rocky, and put on your hazard lights. Also put the parking brake on and if you have anything to use as a chock for the other tires, put that into place.
Step 2: Locate your spare tire, most are located underneath the floor of the trunk. Some SUVs through will have the tire on the exterior of the trunk door or underneath the carriage. They are generally secured into place using some form of screw cap.
Step 3: use the jack and wrench provided to lift up the vehicle. Most are diamond jack as they are the most space efficient. Key thing is placement of the jack. You want to avoid soft ground like grass, and also soft spots in the car body which can collapse or sink. If you have a piece of wood you can put that underneath the jack to help prevent sinking if you can’t avoid soft ground. You also want the section of the jack that has the spot for the wrench poking out.
Step 4: Start turning the wrench so that the jack is starting to take some of the weight of the car, but do not go all the way off as you need the tire on the ground to help prevebt the wheel moving when loosening the nuts plus its safer.
Step 5: Lefty Loosey, Righty tighty. Remove the nuts in a alternating star pattern. They may be tough, if they aren’t coming off, find something to lengthen the wrench handle to increase the torque on the nuts.
Step 6: Once the nuts are off, start lifting the car using the jack completely to get the wheel just off the ground.
Step 7: Do not lift, wiggle the wheel off the hub and roll it aside. Roll and wiggle the spare tire onto the hub and reverse the steps of tightening. If the spare tire is a bit smaller than the main tire, you may need to lower the car very slightly so that you can place the wheel in place without lifting
Step 8: Double check the wheel is in place tightly and lower the car and remove the jack. Slap the tire and say “That’s not going anywhere” and admire
If you’d like to check out the rest of this awesome Reddit thread, you can go HERE.