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A-Rod Launched A New Makeup Line For Men And We Are Here For It

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Alex Rodriguez may have split from Jennifer Lopez, but that hasn’t deterred him from moving on to bigger and better things.

No, I’m not talking about any relationships A-Rod might be having with the ladies.

I’m talking about his new makeup line for men he started through Hims & Hers — a wellness company that he invested in last year.


Sure, sometimes men need makeup too, and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.

Hey, I applaud the men who want to look their best! You do you, Dude!

I wanted to create a product that solved an issue I faced every day. I realized as I was jumping from meeting to meeting, I needed something quick and easy in my routine to conceal blemishes or razor bumps.

Alex Rodriguez

So, to help solve the problem, he has teamed up with Hims to bring out The Blur Stick for men.

This Blur Stick is kinda like the concealer that women wear on the daily.


It covers a multitude of skin sins — from blemishes, to razor burn, and even to those pesky dark eye circles that come from lack of sleep.

It’s a convenient concealer specifically designed for men that can be used for skin imperfections.

Alex Rodriguez

What surprised me is that this Blur Stick is selling for only $17!!


Hey, if it wasn’t specifically formulated for men’s skin, I might try it myself for that price.

I still might try it — don’t judge. LOL!

The Blur Stick comes in EIGHT different shades, so matching skin tone is going to be so easy.

Check it out, I think you’ll be surprised how often it comes in handy.

Alex Rodriguez

You can get your man (or yourself) a Blur Stick from the Hims website.

Looking your best helps you feel your best. The Blur Stick was created to help you do exactly that. There for you in a pinch or for everyday use, consider it a final touch that makes all the difference. Whether you’re getting ready to go out or prepping for another video call, do it with confidence and a complexion you’re proud of.


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