You Can Get A Life-Size Animatronic Jack Skellington That Actually Talks and Moves
Raise your hand if you are obsessed with all things Nightmare Before Christmas! *Two Hands Held High*

We found this Animated Jack Skellington on the Home Depot website, and I had to jump on, and let y’all know about it.

All the animatronic Jack figures are so extremely popular every year. They sells out EVERYWHERE, and people are left crying into their mugs of Deadly Nightshade.

BUT, right NOW, Home Depot has this Giant Talking Jack, so get in on this deal while you still can!

Y’all. This animatronic Jack is so cool. He not only says phrases — he actually moves his mouth, so it’s like he’s really talking.
But, get this — he also moves his hands! Gah!! It’s like Jack Skellington is really standing there, greeting the Trick-or-Treaters in all his Pumpkin King glory.
Jack is 77 inches tall, which when I google it — because I don’t do math — that is 6.4 feet. So, he’s probably bigger than you. He’s DEFINITELY taller than me. Ha!

You can get your own animatronic Jack Skellington right on the Home Depot website. He is $169, and ships for FREE.

If he sells out online, because, like I said, he goes FAST every year, you can check your local Home Depot to see if they can locate you one.

There is also a section on the Home Depot website to sign up for email updates on when he becomes available again.

Since you are part of Team Nightmare Before Christmas, have you checked out these super cool NBC mugs?? They come complete with a spoon, and I need one in my life!