As You Wish, ‘The Princess Bride’ Is Coming To Disney+ On May 1st and I’m So Excited
“Disney+,” we cried, “bring us a streaming movie we really want to see!”

They replied with, “As You Wish!”

Guess what is coming to Disney+ on May 1st. That’s right!! The PRINCESS BRIDE!!
Oh, no. Is this a kissing movie?!? Yes, kiddies, it is the GREATEST kissing movie of all times!
I am giddy.
If you haven’t seen The Princess Bride — First of all, INCONCEIVABLE — and, SECOND of all, you have NOT been living life to its fullest, and I definitely don’t think we can be friends.
This movie is based on a book — and way back in the olden days, “television was called books.”
“THIS is a special book” — er, movie. You have great sporting events, sword play, a farm boy that is murdered by pirates — and “murdered by pirates is good.”
There is “fencing, fighting, chases, escapes, giants, monsters, torture, revenge, true love, miracles,” a fire swamp, and — but “I don’t think they exist.”
You also have Westley, who wore a mask before masks were cool.
It is, perhaps, the most QUOTABLE movie of all times, and I LOVE it!
Catch The Princess Bride on Disney+, starting on May 1st!