Broccoli Knows When It’s Being Eaten
Today I was talking to a friend about the wide world of food and all that, and we that’s when they told me that Brocooli knows when it’s being eaten. I tried to look that up and all I could find were posts about a study and no actual study, but for the purposes of this, broccoli is apparently sentient, and that means they know when we eat them.
I mean, if broccoli has feelings, then I guess— it’s okay I do, too, right? That’s the thing about going through a divorce, a criminal trial, and trying to just exist in general, is that I tend to ignore my feelings. I keep thinking, “But I am not that girl!” When it turns out I am very much, that girl…
A lot of life right now is realizing that things can trigger me or that things are a lot more important to me than I’ve been letting off all these years, and it’s weird, because I have to admit that not only to everyone around me, but to myself as well.
I don’t know if you’ve ever had to become more self aware in order to level up in life, but that’s a whole level of getting to know myself I haven’t been ready for. It’s all about admitting my own faults, my own feelings, my own boundaries, and most importantly my own needs.
If you had asked me three months ago what I needed, I wouldn’t really have the answer, and the truth is, it’s a work in progress, really… but I am starting to understand that I personally have needs beyond just taking care of other people. And honestly, just looking at that on the screen has me all kinds of stressed me out, because if I am not taking care of everyone else, then who am I?
But, if broccoli has feelings… if that’s a whole thing, then I guess it’s okay for me to have them too, right?