
Broccoli Knows When It’s Being Eaten

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Today I was talking to a friend about the wide world of food and all that, and we that’s when they told me that Brocooli knows when it’s being eaten. I tried to look that up and all I could find were posts about a study and no actual study, but for the purposes of this, broccoli is apparently sentient, and that means they know when we eat them.

Fresh cut broccoli florets placed in a green colander, highlighting vibrant colors and freshness.

I mean, if broccoli has feelings, then I guess— it’s okay I do, too, right? That’s the thing about going through a divorce, a criminal trial, and trying to just exist in general, is that I tend to ignore my feelings. I keep thinking, “But I am not that girl!” When it turns out I am very much, that girl…

A lot of life right now is realizing that things can trigger me or that things are a lot more important to me than I’ve been letting off all these years, and it’s weird, because I have to admit that not only to everyone around me, but to myself as well.

I don’t know if you’ve ever had to become more self aware in order to level up in life, but that’s a whole level of getting to know myself I haven’t been ready for. It’s all about admitting my own faults, my own feelings, my own boundaries, and most importantly my own needs.

Close-up image of fresh organic broccoli with soft focus and earthy tones, showcasing natural textures.

If you had asked me three months ago what I needed, I wouldn’t really have the answer, and the truth is, it’s a work in progress, really… but I am starting to understand that I personally have needs beyond just taking care of other people. And honestly, just looking at that on the screen has me all kinds of stressed me out, because if I am not taking care of everyone else, then who am I?

But, if broccoli has feelings… if that’s a whole thing, then I guess it’s okay for me to have them too, right?

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