Build-A-Bear Just Released An ‘Adult Bears’ Collection and No Kids Are Allowed
Build-A-Bear is usually known for its cute and cuddly line of critters that are fit for kids of all ages.

But, that might be about to change.
The company known for letting you build your own teddy bear (or other cute creature) has developed something called “The Bear Cave” section of their website.

In this section of the website, you will find things like “unexpected collabs and unique giftable plush.” You can find all the licensed collabs — Universal, Disney, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, NBA, etc — as well as a little section just marked “Gifts.”

What is this “Gift” section, you might ask?
Well, let’s just start out by saying that you have to state that you are 18 just to enter.
According to NBC DFW, this part of the Build-A-Bear site is known as the “After Dark” collection, and it has launched just in time for Valentine’s Day.

What Is Build-A-Bear’s “After Dark” Collection?
Now, you might be picturing slinky lingerie and suggestively posed bears — but it’s really more innocent than that.
I’m actually not 100% sure why you have to be 18 to access the site — unless they have more planned for the future of the “After Dark” collection.
Currently, the site seems pretty tame. You will find bears holding “wine bottles,” and announcing to the world “It’s Wine O’Clock Somewhere.”

You can also find rose scented teddy bears — and my husband better be sending me one!!
About as risque as it gets is a teddy bear wearing boxer shorts, a heart costume, and holding a bouquet of roses. I mean, Bow-Chicka-Wow-Wow, AMIRITE?!? LOL!!

There are other bears that have cute Valentine’s Day shirts — kind of the adult version of a Valentine’s Day card or Valentine’s heart candies. They say things like “You’re My Person” and “I Want To Take You Out.”
You can get shirts for bears that say things as simple as “Nacho Average Boss,” “Home Sweet Home,” “Bring On The Bubbly,” “Just BearCause I Love You,” and “Hang In There.”

They also have “Work From Home Bear” gift sets, “Equality” Bears, “Get Well Soon” Bears, and even a bear in a full tuxedo.

Basically, this Bear Cave “Gift” section of the Build-A-Bear website has bears that most kids probably wouldn’t be interested in — but adults will love!!
You can totally pick up a bear that tells your friend “Don’t Text Your Ex.” LOL!! Probably not something a kid would choose — but us older kids would get the humor.

To check out this After Dark Build-A-Bear collection, just head on over to the Build-A-Bear Site, and let ’em know you’re over 18.
You have to check out the Swarovski Crystal Bear they have for 92 bucks! Gah! It’s gorgeous.