Did You Know That You Can Freeze Eggs? Here’s How to Do It Correctly.
Leaving the house for a week with a batch of eggs leftover in the fridge?

Yes you can freeze your raw chicken eggs but there’s a right way to do it.

According to the FDA, you should never freeze your eggs in the shell nor an egg that isn’t fresh, but you already knew that.

However, the best types of eggs to freeze are (whisked) whole raw eggs, raw egg whites, and raw egg yolks; although if you’re not sure on how to freeze either egg variety properly, here’s how to do so correctly.

How to Freeze Eggs
Starting with raw whole eggs, if you notice there’s half a carton left of eggs before you leave for vacation, there’s no need to make a six egg omelet.

Instead, crack the eggs in a separate bowl and gently whisk.

You’ll then want to add either a 1-½ tablespoons sugar, 1-½ tablespoons corn syrup or a ½ teaspoon salt per cup of eggs via the National Center for Home Food Preservation depending on what you’ll be using the eggs for when you return.

Grab a muffin tin or an ice cube tray and pour in your raw eggs to freeze, measuring three tablespoons of your raw egg into each compartment if you’re using an ice tray according to the NCHFP.

Once you have frozen egg cubes, remove and package them in a moisture-vapor resistant container says the NCHFP.

To freeze only the egg whites, keep in mind to gently mix the whites until it feels smooth and strain with a sieve; package the whites while leaving ½-inch headspace, seal, and then freeze per the NCHFP.

And when it comes to the egg yolks, first, separate the yolks from the whites and stir gently.

Add in 1-½ tablespoons sugar, 1-½ tablespoons corn syrup or ½ teaspoon salt per cup of egg yolks depending on what the yolks will be used for when you cook or bake them into your next dish via the NCHFP.

Strain the yolk mixture and package while leaving a ½-inch headspace; seal, freeze, and you’re done per the NCHFP website.

Now that you properly know how to freeze whole eggs, egg yolks, and egg whites, you can omit wasting food and save money too!