Carl From ‘Up’ Is Going On A Date In The New Pixar Short And I’m Not Emotionally Ready For This
You know how before every Pixar movie, they have a short feature that is always Ah-mazing?
For the upcoming Pixar feature film, Elemental, the pre-movie Pixar short is going to be about Carl from Up.

It seems that Carl is going to be going on his first date since Ellie, and, y’all. I’m not ready.
If you remember, the entire first half of the movie Up is about the relationship between Carl and Ellie over the years.

We meet them as kids, when a wild Ellie befriends the quiet, and perhaps a little awkward, Carl.
As the movie progresses, we get completely wrapped up in the love story between the two beloved characters.

Then, we are devastated along with Carl when Ellie passes away.
Seriously, I was sobbing in my theater seat.

And, if I’m honest, I cry every single time I rewatch the movie.
Now, Pixar has Carl going on his first date since the passing of Ellie, and I’m guessing I’m not alone when I say: I don’t think I’m emotionally ready to handle this.

Disney just announced that the new short, based on Up and called Carl’s Date, will play before the new upcoming Pixar film, Elemental.
I’m going to be honest. I was thinking I would wait to see Elemental when it dropped onto Disney+.

BUT, I just may have to hit up the film in the theater, so I can cheer Carl on as he goes on this date.
To make things even just a little more sentimental — and give you a double punch to the feels — Carl’s Date is also a tribute to the late Ed Asner.

Mr. Asner voiced the character of Carl in both the movie Up and the short Carl’s Date.
Y’all. I can already tell that I’m going to need my Kleenex for this one.

Over on Twitter, users are Tweeting their feelings. They pretty much agree that this one is going to be a hard one to watch.
A few people even got the chance to see an advanced screening of Carl’s Date, and they are saying to get ready for the tears.
What do you think? Are you ready for the new Pixar short, Carl’s Date?