Trending Post: French Toast your kids will love
Trending Post: French Toast your kids will love
Disney lovers everywhere are our favorite kind of people. Some of us are obsessed with going on a Disney cruise, or buying our favorite stuff at the Disney store, watching classic Disney Plus movies or even hanging out at Walt Disney World and Disneyland!
Disney movies are one of those things that we are obsessed with and we just can’t help it, we are obsessed with the unlimited streaming in the Disney app, and even know which Disney princess we would be!
If you want to know which Disney Villain you are, take this quiz. But don’t worry, we are obsessed with Jack Skellington, too!
Want to read more about our most popular Disney stuff?
Why do we love Disney so much? It’s just one of those magical things that is completely timeless and awesome in every way.
I still remember watching Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs in the theater with my mom. When we left the movie, she and I were trying to think of all of the dwarf names, and I closed my eyes tight and said, “MOM! MOM! I can see their names on the end of the bed!”
She said to me, “Well, what does it say?”
And, since I was three, I said, “I don’t know, I can’t read!”
From then on I was Disney obsessed in every single way, and I always will be! Disneyland at Christmas is my favorite thing to do with my daughter, and every year it just gets more magical!