Trending Post: French Toast your kids will love
Trending Post: French Toast your kids will love
Starbucks cups and drinks are two of the coolest things around, and they go hand in hand. They’re almost as cool as the Starbucks secret menu.
Did you know that if you bring in your own Starbucks cup in to get your coffee you get a discount on your drink? Yeah, Sbucks is super cool like that.
As avid Starbucks cup collectors, we know how important it is to know when the latest cups are in the stores.
One of our favorite tricks for getting the Starbucks collectible cups is to check out grocery stores like Albertson’s, Kroger, or Target that have a Starbucks store inside. They almost always have the collectible cups and treats that stand alone Starbuck’s stores sell out of.
I’ve actually found cups in the lobby of a hotel and a hospital before. And, always check the airport Starbucks! People don’t want to travel with the new cups so you can sometimes even get them on clearance!
Have you ever wondered what kind of Starbucks cup best matches your personality, then check out this handy dandy quiz.
If you want to know more about Starbuck’s cup sizes and which drink are which, then check out this handy dandy chart. (But if you want to know how to get a Venti Starbucks cup for the price of a Grande, there’s a trick.)
Starbucks collectible cups are seasonal and regional. So you never know what cups you will find where! That’s all a part of the hunt.