Chocolate Covered Pickles Are The New Hot Food Trend and It’s Sort of A Big Dill
Do you like chocolate? I am sure that answer is YES because who doesn’t?

How about pickles? Most likely, also yes.

Well, have you ever thought about combining the two? I’ll be honest, I haven’t until now…
Chocolate Covered Pickles Are The New Hot Food Trend and It’s Sort of A Big Dill.

Yes, I said pickles (sour) covered in chocolate (sweet) and honestly, the combination truly has my tastebuds wondering what it tastes like…
Now, I have to say, I think it would depend on the type of pickle. Maybe just a traditional dill would be good but something like garlic infused would be YUCKY.
So, basically, you just take your pickle but you want to make sure you pat it as dry as you can get it because the juice from the pickle will cause the chocolate to seize.
Then you melt your chocolate and dip your pickle into the melted chocolate.
Place it on a plate and put in the fridge until the chocolate hardens and then enjoy.
You can even cut your pickles into slices then dip in chocolate or just drizzle chocolate on top and even add sprinkles.
So, what do you think? Is this a trend you can get behind?