11 Christmas Eve Traditions To Start With Your Family
Out of ALL the days of all the year, Christmas Eve is the one where we seem to make and host the most family traditions.

Everyone has their special family traditions they carry over from year to year, things they must do Every Single Christmas Eve without fail.

While I’m sure you have some of your own, here are some traditions you might be able to add into the mix to make the day extra special and fun!

11 Christmas Eve Traditions To Start With Your Family
- Make Christmas Light Thank You Cards.
Drive around to neighborhoods near your house, and take Thank You Cards to those houses that really hit you right in the feels.

There aren’t all that many houses around here that decorate, so we usually take Thank You cards to those houses we have enjoyed all season long.
Why not show your appreciation for all their hard decorating work! I’m sure they will appreciate the recognition, and LOVE the Thank You.

Bonus points if those cards are homemade!
2. Surprise Your Neighbors With Cookies.
Now, I know, COVID has made it a little difficult to share the season with your neighbors, loved ones, and friends.

But, there is no rule that says you can’t leave cookies on the doorsteps of those you want to bless with a little bit of sweetness this holiday season.
Now, it’s lovely if you want to spend time baking said cookies, and getting them ready to gift. BUT, if you are anti-kitchen, like me, you can get some fun store-bought cookies, and put them in a Christmassy decorated container.

I bet your neighbors, friends, and family will LOVE however you choose to gift those cookies — whether they are homemade or store bought!!
3. Make Christmas Crafts.
I know, Christmas Eve can be a super busy day! But, why not take time to slow down a little bit, and spend some time making Christmas Crafts with the family?

Why not decorate a fun plate that will be used for leaving Santa those Christmas cookies!
OR — make a bit of “Reindeer Food” to leave out for Rudolph and the gang?
You can even make Clothes Hanger Snowflakes to decorate the house for Santa’s arrival.
Of course, part of those Christmas Crafts can be making cookies for family, friends, and neighbors — AND Santa.

4. Write a Letter To Santa.
Everyone writes letters to Santa, asking for all their Christmas wants and wishes.
BUT, why not also write a Thank You letter to leave with the milk and cookies this year. I bet Santa would LOVE a personalized letter, thanking him for all his Christmas Eve hard work, and also for delivering all those most perfect Christmas gifts.

5. Read Christmas Stories Together with the Family.
There are so many Christmas stories that you can spend time reading with the family.

My favorite is The Grinch, but there are so many others that you can read.
What are some of YOUR favorite Christmas stories?
6. Track Santa.
We do this EVERY YEAR, and it’s so much fun!!
NORAD hosts a Track Santa app, and it’s simple to use! You HAVE to get it on your phone. (It’s FREE!!)

My kids loved to keep up with Santa’s travels on Christmas Eve when they were younger, and the tradition has followed us all the way through to this day.
7. Have a Family Movie Night.
Pick a family Christmas movie, and go all out! Pop some popcorn, have some hot chocolate, give everyone a box of theater candy.

Get all comfy cozy on the couch, and slow down long enough to enjoy a fun Christmas Eve movie together as a family.
8. Wear Some New Christmas Jammies.
Have brand new Christmas pajamas for everyone in the family, and hand them out on Christmas Eve. Make it a fun Christmas Eve pajama party. You could even watch your Christmas Eve movie in your Christmas jammies!!

9. Everyone Opens ONE Gift on Christmas Eve.
So, this has been one of our traditions for as long as I can remember. We used to pick our own gifts from under the tree, and each open ONE gift on Christmas Eve.

NOW, I buy a special gift for my kids, and that is the gift they open on Christmas Eve. It is usually a new pair of jammies, everything they will need for our family movie night, and a plushy to sleep with that night.
They know to look forward to that gift, and they LOVE it!

10. Go Christmas Caroling.
This one is going to take a little bit of courage on your part. You will probably have to step outside of your comfort box, but it will be so worth it.
You can go around to the houses of neighbors, friends, or family — or all of the above — and sing a couple Christmas songs.

This is a GREAT COVID approved activity, because you can stand back from the front door, and still put on a good show.
I GUARANTEE you, everyone will LOVE this!!

11. Volunteer.
There are so many different places and organizations that can totally use the help of volunteers on Christmas Eve (and Christmas Day!).

Pick something you would love to do, and call the place ahead of time. Especially in this time of social distancing and masks, you need to make sure you know all the appropriate rules for volunteering.