Love Dogs? This Company Will Pay You $1,000 To Watch Movies About Dogs
February 20th is National Love Your Pet Day!

Yes, a totally made-up holiday, but one that’s worth celebrating when you’re a pet lover.
There is a company that wants to pay one person $1,000 to watch 6 feel-good dog movies in celebration of pets.

Some of my favorite movies are on the list!

Now, you have to do a little bit more than JUST watch these movies to earn that cash.

Once you’ve watched all 6 of the dog movies, you will then need to write a blog post that consists of at least 1000 words.

The blog post will need to cover the movies and how you rank them and your experience watching them.
$1,000 for watching about 10 hours of movies where the dog is the star? Count me in!

Our ideal candidate holds immense enthusiasm for animals and is excited at the thought of binge-watching 10 hours of movies about dogs,” the Pettable website states. “They also don’t have a problem with writing a 1,000-word blog post about these movies and are willing to give their best reviews of the films!

You will have 48 hours to complete the task, which includes watching the 6 movies and writing a 1,000-word post.
To apply just visit Pettable and fill out the application on the website before March 7th, 2022.