Disney+ Is Releasing A New Halloween Movie Called ‘Spooked’ And I Can’t Wait
Disney+ is releasing another Halloween film and if there’s anything we know about Disney, it’s that their holiday movies are classics.

Filmmaker Peter Foott has partnered with Disney+ in creating an original film called Spooked.
You are going to love the storyline. Here is what to expect in the upcoming film.

The story is based around a group of Trick-or-Treater’s who magically turn into the characters their costumes resemble.
Sounds interesting doesn’t it? But don’t let the name fool you!

The movie is reportedly a supernatural comedy. The film is supposedly not super serious or scary, even though the sound of the film’s title tells a different story!

Along with directing the film, Foott will also be rewriting the script that was initially written by Tyler Burton Smith.
Mark Bauch has been named executive producer and Dan Lin and Jonathon Eirich have also been assigned as acting producers as well.

Currently no casting directors have been named and the release date is secretive for now. However, it is likely for the film to premiere in the Fall of 2021.

So far we can expect the ‘Kissing Booth’ in 2021, the third season of ‘YOU’ and now an entirely new and original film on Disney+! 2021 is going to be the year of couch potatoes and I can’t wait.