DIY Hair Lightener For No Damage Highlights

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I will admit that I am not as blonde as I used to be. When I go to the stylist to get highlights they always say, “But your hair is so blonde!” Even though what they are really thinking is, “I have to say this to all you dishwater blondes because you can’t handle the truth about just how dark your hair has gotten over the years.

make your own hair lightener

The problem with going to the salon every six weeks and getting them to highlight my hair is the damage. No matter how hard I work on keeping my hair all damage free, it ends up looking all frayed and ratty by the time it gets the color I want it. So, I have discovered this super awesome hair lightener you can make yourself. I am all about ways to lighten your hair without going to the salon.

You can use this mixture one of two ways, you can pour it all over your head (CLOSE YOUR EYES!) and then sit out in the sun and let your hair dry, or dry it with a blowdryer, OR if you want it to last a while make this mixture in a spray bottle, and take it with you when you are out in the sun. Spray it on your hair, sit and chill while it dries, and spray again when your hair gets dry. You could basically do this the entire time you’re out in the sun and have crazy light hair by the end of the day!

diy hair lightener

What You Need To Make DIY Hair Lightener:

  • 1/2 Cup of Water (Distilled is better, just because it doesn’t get funky as fast as tap. I usually just pour in whatever is leftover in my water bottle.)
  • 1/4 Cup of Lemon Juice (This is equal to 1 small lemon or 1/2 of a large one. You can use fresh lemon juice, or the stuff that comes in that little lemon you find in the produce section it really doesn’t matter.)
  • 1/4 Cup of Hydrogen Peroxide (If you are REALLY wanting to lighten your hair and not cause any damage to it, then you can skip this part and just add in another 1/4 cup of lemon juice, but it will make your hair get lighter, faster.)
  • 1 Squirt of Conditioner (Just squirt it right into your mixture. If you are using a spray bottle to apply the lightener to your hair, make sure your mixture is still thin enough to spray.)

Mix it all together and spray it on your hair! It just needs some heat to work.

If you have dark hair, this won’t give you blonde highlights. It will actually probably turn your hair a little bit orange. This is more of a lightener for people with hair that is already light. 🙂


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One Comment

  1. Nice lightener to be gained from here. I am so glad to be here and read about such good technology.