Fake Feet Slippers Exist and It’s The Weird Trend We Didn’t Ask For
If you have a thing with feet, this probably isn’t for you…

Today I was enjoying my morning coffee and browsing the internet and BAM! there they are… fake feet slippers. What the what?!
I had to do a quick search to see if they were in fact a thing, and guess what? They are!
In fact, I found several options right on Amazon so ya know, you can get your own pair of fake feet slippers.

Amazon has a pair of rubbery fake feet slippers that have the toe nails painted. I mean, why not? These ones will run you right under $11.

If those don’t float your boat, you can get a pair of plain feet so you can paint the toes any color you’d like or ya know, for the men in your life.

Oh, and if you really want to go crazy, you can get these super hairy fake feet slippers. Ya know, for those

In case you’re wondering, why you’d need these, you can totally rock these around the house but also wear them for just about any Halloween costume. They are pretty dang funny!
You can check out the fake feet slippers here on Amazon.