You Can Get A Floating ‘Pool Pong’ Game That Takes Drinking Games To A Whole New Level
Am I the only person who was HORRIBLE at beer pong? To be fair, I didn’t have much practice.

What if I told you that you can now enjoy this party game from your pool in the most stylish way? You can also use these outdoor in the sand or lawn, but the fact that they can float is amazing!

Not only can it float, but you can play this day or night because it can light up too! And the balls are glow in the dark!

This comes with two beer pong inflatable playing triangles, six glow in the dark ping pong balls, and twelve light up cups!

And sure, this is meant to be a drinking game…but there could be a fun way to do family games with this as well (pickle juice anyone?) However you choose to use it, I feel like this is a must have this summer!

If you want to get your hands on this amazing pool accessory, you can click our link here to buy it!