This Giant Inflatable Twister Game is The Perfect Addition to Any Party
What is more fun than a game of Twister? A GIANT INFLATABLE game of Twister!
My kids would absolutely flip out over this giant inflatable gameboard. They LOVE to play Twister — to an almost annoying fault.
They also love ANYTHING inflatable. Just TRY to keep them out of a bounce house. It’s not going to happen.
This giant Inflatable Twister game is genius to keep them busy for hours!
Then when they are done — or when we kick them off — it is the adults’ turn! How totally FUN would this be?!?
You can pick up your OWN Inflatable Twister game from Hammacher Schlemmer. It has a 15-foot by 15-foot mat that can accommodate up to 10 players.
It comes with a 3-foot wheel that tells the players how to contort themselves.
You can also rent these Inflatable Twister games from many places that carry bounce houses, but it’s WAY more fun to just own your own!
I NEED this at my next party. I’m not going to say I’m competitive, but I’m totally going to win this game!
Looking for more games to play with your kids? Try making their chores a game!