This Grandpa Gave His Grandkids The Most Hilarious Gift and I Can’t Stop Laughing
And, the prize for best Christmas gift of the year goes to this grandpa.

Seriously. Can I claim him?

He gave the most thoughtful, most hilarious gift to his 11 grandkids, and it has the internet all up in its feels.

Liam Ryan spent Christmas morning handing out boxes to all of his grands — from ages 4 through 28.

When the kids opened the gifts, they noticed they all got the same thing —

Which is totally trendy and cool in itself.
But, it’s the little extra gift that is so sweet, in the funniest way possible.

Liam had special charms made for the Crocs.
You know, like those button charms that you push through the holes on top of the shoe.
These charms were special, though. They’re one-of-a-kind (or 11 of a kind, as the case may be).
Each charm is a picture of his face!! How cool is that??

The gift is even more special when you know the backstory.
Liam’s late wife, Phyllis, was family famous for always sporting her teal Crocs at the beach.
This gift is like a tribute to her, with a little bit of Grandpa thrown in.

Now, I want pictures of my grandparents on my Crocs charms!

I want to know how he is so “up” on the trends in fashion. Kudos, Grandpa!!

You can see the entire TikTok Grandpa Crocs video HERE.