You’ll Soon Be Able to See This Green Comet in The Sky and It Won’t Happen Again for 50,000 Years
If space and comets are your thing, you are going to love this…
Discovered in March of last year by astronomers at the Palomar Observatory in San Diego County, California, this comet will soon make its closest approach to the sun this month, according to NASA.
Named the C/2022 E3 (ZTF) comet, this particular comet acquires a long journey to pass by Earth because it orbits around the sun and passes through the outer reaches of the solar system, according to The Planetary Society.
In fact, according to the Planetary Society, this particular comet takes around 50,000 years to orbit the Sun, so an opportunity to see it will only come once in a lifetime.
The bright green comet which has only strengthened in color as it gets closer to the sun will also make its closest pass by Earth between the first two days of February according to EarthSky.
Stargazers should be able to view the green comet in the evening near the North Star according to EarthSky.
Observers on the Northern Hemisphere should point their telescope or binoculars low on the northeastern horizon just before the clock strikes midnight to catch the celestial event on January 12.
Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) should also be visible (with binoculars) for those on the Northern Hemisphere during the morning time most of this month, while individuals in the Southern Hemisphere can count on spotting the green comet in early February, according to NASA.
And depending on how bright the comet becomes, you may even be able to see C/2022 E3 with the naked eye towards the end of January at night.
And keep in mind that you’ll know you have spotted the green comet when you notice its streaking tail of dust, energized particles and of course, the glowing green color that will surround the comet!