If You’ve Been Hearing Fireworks Go Off Every Night, You Are Not Alone
I thought I was going crazy! I have been hearing *Pop Pop Pops* daily — and often — in my neighborhood in the evenings. I have been scared someone has a gun.

Turns out, it might be people letting off fireworks!

The 4th of July is in just a few weeks, and it seems some people may be getting a jump on the holiday fun.

It might be because they are bored that everything is shut down. It might be because fireworks are more readily available this year, because gatherings have been cancelled. It might just be because fireworks are fun.

Some have wondered if more commercial pyrotechnic devices are being sold underground. Fireworks company associations have disputed that charge, saying distributors keep a tight grip on products.
Yahoo News

Whatever the reason, many people are hearing these firework noises in their neighborhoods. I’m not the only one!

In some cities, you can call 3-1-1 to report non-emergency situations.

In the first 19 days of June last year (in Brooklyn), the city’s 311 non-emergency line registered 27 calls about fireworks.
Yahoo News
In the same period this month, the number was 6,385.

So, if you too are hearing these Popping noises, you are not alone. If you sense danger, make sure and report the situation. Otherwise, it’s probably just people trying to have a little fun.