Here’s How You Can Make Instant Digital Flashcards For School Using A Mead Notebook
What is going on here? Some kind of wizardry magic? This is the coolest thing I have seen this week!

Back when I was in school — which now seems like “back in the olden days” — we had to handwrite all our notecards one by one. It would take HOURS.

In hindesite, we should have all bought stock in the index card industry, right?!?

Now Mead, the maker of those 5 Star Notebooks that we all know and love, has — well, quite honestly — they’ve broken my brain.

Have you recently looked at the Mead blank notebook paper and the paper in those Mead notebooks?

You will notice these triangles in the margins.
I thought they were just some trendy-new decoration, or maybe a way to more easily categorize your notes.
Nope. I was wrong. WAY wrong, and I wish I would have known about this before.
Using the magic of modern technology, these triangles in the margin of Mead notebooks serve a wicked cool function.

You can take notes by hand, and instantly turn them into flash cards.

Yep. Kids these days have it hella easy!! I’m JEALOUS.

How Do These Triangles Work?
Check this out.
You just take your notes like normal.

BUT, you want to fill in the triangle in the margin of the Mead notebook for important points or things you need to remember.
Then you just take your smartphone, and download the Five Star Study app from the app store.
Now you can open the app, and start scanning your notes.

The app will see those filled in triangles, and make instant flash cards!!

I mean, WHAT?!?
Let us help reinforce your hard work by giving you a smarter way to study!
Five Star
It almost — almost — makes me want to go back to school *Laugh Emoji*