Jason Momoa Just Shaved His Head and I’m Freaking Out
When you think of Jason Momoa you think of his long, luscious locks and full, dark beard.

Well, that image of him is all wrong now because Jason Momoa has shaved his head!!

Now before you freak out, Jason Momoa shaved his head for a very good reason…

He wants to stir up the conversation about the environment and showing his love for it.

As you may know, Jason Momoa has been very vocal about helping the environment and even promotes sustainability through the use of recyclable aluminum canned water versus bottled water in plastic.

He’s also promoted other sustainable products that will help the environment rather than hurt it.

Well, earlier today, Jason posted a video on Instagram with the caption:
heres to new beginnings let’s spread the aloha. be better at protecting our land and oceans. we need to cut single use plastics out of our lives and out of our seas. plastic bottles, plastic bags ,packaging, utensils all of it. let’s aloha our ‘āina together aloha j. @mananalu.water
In the video, he talks about shaving off his hair and even shows his freshly cut braids.

He explains he shaved off his hair and is “doing it for, single-use plastics”.
He goes onto ask everyone to help him in any way to eliminate plastic bottles and plastic forks, spoons, etc. because they just end up in our landfill and hurt our environment.

“I’m here in Hawaii right now, and just seeing things in our ocean, it’s just so sad. Please, anything you can do to eliminate single-use plastics in your lives. Help me, plastic bottles are ridiculous… we’re going to keep going — oh, man. Love you guys. Aloha.”

Ya know, I’ve always loved Jason Momoa and I love him even more for doing this and bringing awareness to everyone.
You can watch the full video of Jason Momoa below.