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You Can Get New Kool-Aid Candy Dippers And I Feel Like A Kid Again!

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One of my favorite candy choices growing up was FunDip! The packets of the sweet fruit flavor powders with the candy stick you would dip in, remember those?


Now Kool-Aid has New Kool-Aid Candy dippers and they come in two great fruit flavors! So far the choices are Blue Raspberry flavor or Cherry flavor dipping powders!


According to Drugstore News, Hilco has partnered with the brand’s parent company, Kraft Heinz, to launch Kool-Aid Dipping Candy. This isn’t the first Kool-Aid candy though!


Each pouch contains blue raspberry and cherry flavored powdered candy, as well as an edible dextrose candy stick for easy dipping.

Just lick that stick and dip it into the sweet fruity powder in either blue raspberry or cherry!


I know, it’s the healthiest thing ever, but it’s good and makes me think back to my childhood. We used to walk down to the corner store and load up on candy.


I hope they add other Kool-Aid flavors as well! I would love to see this in a Grape and Lemonade flavor! Or combine the two into the Purplesaurus Rex Kool-Aid flavor, which is my favorite!


You’ll be able to get the Kool-Aid Sipping Candy for about $1.49 to $1.99 per pack. It should be available soon wherever you buy candy, but there was not a release date listed.


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