Lays is Releasing Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup Flavor Chips

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Nothing says fall weather better than grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup. It’s pure fall comfort food!

Just in time for fall, Frito Lays Potato Chips is releasing a Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup flavored chip! It tastes just like you took a crispy, gooey, hot grilled cheese sandwich, and dunked it straight into a hot bowl of tomato soup.

I bet these chips would be good actually PAIRED with a grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup. Or, is that overkill?

The chips are set to hit shelves on Monday, October 21. They are here for a limited time, so grab them up when you see them!

There’s already great buzz over these chips, so I bet they don’t last long on shelves!

Lays said in a press release, the chips are “a dynamic combination of tomato taste and buttery cheese with underlying creamy and toasted notes.”

That’s all I needed to hear! I’ll take 7 bags.

The release of these chips happens to be on the same day that Lays is launching their new campaign, Gotta Have Lays. This is to showcase Lays’ new packaging — which is the first new packaging the company has had in 12 years!

Want to try some REALLY GOOD tomato soup? We have a recipe for you!

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