You Can Get A Mini Billiards Table For Your Cat Because, Why Not?
You can get a miniature billiards table, and it is so cute to use as a cat toy!!

Just imagine their little paws batting those balls around the table, trying to sink all the balls.
Gah! Adorable, right?!?
All you do is get a tabletop billiards table — one that has short little legs.

You put it on the floor, and let the cats do their thing.
Now, don’t expect this table to stay pristine. Cats have claws, after all.
This billiards table should be designated just for those furry little babies to play.

You also won’t believe how inexpensive they actually are.

I mean, you don’t have to get the best of the best for kitty play time. You just need a basic table and little balls.

They have tabletop billiards sets that go for as little as like $14!

Now, you can get fancy ones, that have scratching posts and cat want toy pool cues included. But, those are going to run you like $80.

Either way you go — inexpensive or the more fancy table — you are going to get all kinds of adorable kitty cat playtime fun.

You can get the inexpensive version of the Cat Billiard Table at the Amazon website.

They also have the fancy Cat Billiard Table, if you’d rather go that route.

No matter what you decide to do, I want to see pictures!!!