These Mosquito Repellent Stickers Provide A Natural Way To Keep You From Getting Bit and I Need Them
These mosquito repellent stickers make me way more giddy than they probably should.

Anyone who knows me, knows I can’t go outside during the summer months ill prepared. I have to arm myself with tons of mosquito repellent, citronella candles, peppermint oils, and I even have citronella plants to keep those pesky beasts away!

The mosquitos LOVE me. Can I get an amen? Anyone else out there feel like they are a 3-course meal for these flying little buggers?

Then, you HAVE to check out these mosquito repellent stickers! They take the place of having to spray yourself down with tons of chemicals — chemicals that probably aren’t that great for inhalation or constant use on your skin.

These stickers are made of 100% natural, plant-based ingredients. They contain essential oils like Citronella, Lemongrass, Peppermint and Geraniol, that are proven mosquito repellents.

They are Alcohol-free, DEET-free, Non Toxic, which is hard to come by in a mosquito repellent. Believe me, I’m well versed in the purchase and use of mosquito repellent products!

Choosing a good mosquito repellent is important for everyone. We worked long and hard to identify natural, non-toxic ingredients with scientific evidence supporting their effectiveness. That safety measure helps takes the stress out of making the right choice.

These are great for adults, kids, pet collars, or you can even stick them on strollers!! They are a one size fits all, and you get about 60 in a pack for $14.

They will last for several hours once you stick them on a surface — like your skin — to be used.

If it were ME, I’d stick one on each shoulder, two on my waist area, two on my thighs, two on my calves, and two on my feet. I’m mosquito-paranoid like that. Ha!

You can get your own Mosquito Repellent Stickers right on the Amazon website.