Mountain Dew is Releasing a Lemonade Flavor Called Atomic Blue and I Need It
When I was a kid and someone asked me my favorite flavor, I would say “BLUE!”. It was my favorite and it could actually be so many different flavors.

Well, this time the BLUE flavor in MTN DEW Atomic Blue soda is Lemonade! I’m so excited for a new blue flavor. Takes me back to my carefree days!

We’ve heard that it will only be available as a fountain drink. That is totally alright with me because ice-cold fountain drinks are my favorite!
I’m really loving the throwback style logo! It seems to be calling out to adults that want to feel a bit like a kid again!

It makes me think of summers at the lake, riding bikes, and staying out until the streetlights came on!
MTN DEW is known for bringing out new cool flavors. I personally love the MTN DEW Violet! My second favorite flavor was always “PURPLE”. They say the Atomic Blue has an electrifying lemonade flavor and I can not wait to taste it.
I know a lot of people absolutely love the Maui Burst MTN DEW! I bet the Atomic Blue blows it away!
There really isn’t any other information available at this time, but hopefully, we will know more soon! Until then, what is your favorite flavor of MTN DEW?