Netflix Will Soon Begin Charging You $7.99 Extra for Sharing Your Password
Netflix has made it clear that password-sharing is more than just a pet peeve over at headquarters.
Beginning today, the crackdown of password-sharing has officially hit the U.S.
For those who are sharing accounts and passwords with friends or family, here’s what you need to know.
Users with accounts who are suspected of password-sharing should look to their inbox because Netflix has sent a mass email regarding the topic.
The email looks something like this:
As the email continues, Netflix notes that subscribers should review who is using their account and log out any members who shouldn’t have access.
Secondly, the streaming platform also mentions two options that are now available for users who do wish to share one account.
Users can either a, transfer a profile to their own membership that they pay for on their own or b, for nearly $8 extra a month, owners of the account can pay more to keep the extra member who does not live in the same household on the same account.
In other words, if you want your best friend or a close family member to remain on your Netflix account, you’ll be the one who has to pay for it.
So if you currently have the standard plan which is the most common, you could be paying more than $20 a month for keeping that extra member.
Subscribers can read more about the “extra member” option on Netflix’s Help Center page online for those who are interested in that option.
Netflix sure wasn’t kidding about nixing sharing passwords to accounts on their platforms.