A New Tarantula-Like Spider Has Been Found And I’m A Bit Creeped Out
The Pine Rockland Trapdoor Spider can be found in the Florida Everglades as if the Everglades were not scary enough…

It’s related to the tarantula and it is a rare breed of spider, it’s only been spotted a few times since the 1920s.

In fact, it just recently got named the Pine Rockland Trapdoor Spider due to the environment it lives in.

The area that the spider lives in is highly threatened and humans are to blame because the habitat where it thrives is being destroyed.
These spiders are only known to live in the pine rockland habitat of southern Florida.

The fact that a new species like this could be found in a fragment of endangered forest in the middle of the city underscores the importance of preserving these ecosystems before we lose not only what we know, but also what is still to be discovered.
Frank Ridgley, Zoo Miami Conservation & Veterinary Services Manager, said in a news release

The pines growing on limestone outcrops are slowly being destroyed.
This is because of the development of the area which includes land clearing.

This spider is one of 33 new species from the Americas to be added to the Ummeidia genus.
AKA trap door spiders.

Trapdoor spiders are related to tarantulas, but they are smaller, their fangs are different, and they are less hairy.
They are venomous, however the venom is not dangerous for most humans.

In fact, they are studying the spider’s venom for medical use for people!
Apparently, the venom contains compounds that could possibly be used to treat cancer and as pain medications, that is amazing!