Nobody Can Solve This Viral Math Problem – Can You?
If math isn’t your strong suit, here’s the chance to prove everyone wrong!
A math problem that has gone viral in Japan is making everyone reach for their nearest calculator.
And according to the Youtube channel @MindYourDecisions, a study found that only 60% of individuals who are in their twenties could get the correct answer!
So, do you think you can be in the 60% that can solve this equation?
Luckily if you are stuck on the math problem, the person behind the screen in the Youtube video solves it for you!
By showing the correct and wrong way to do it, and even how to plug it into the calculator, after watching the video you’ll find that the correct answer is…
Drum roll please!
The right answer to this viral math problem is 1, and you can watch the video down below to see how to solve it!