This Old Trailer Truck Turned Into A Luxurious Tiny Home Is Pure Goals
Everyone is getting into the tiny home trend.
But, put that tiny home on wheels, and you are the winner of the game of life.
Any home that you can take on the road and head for destination America, is just about the coolest thing there is.
Of course, you have to be able to work from home, but that’s becoming easier and easier these days!!
You have to check out this luxury tiny home that is made out of an 18-wheeler Peterbilt truck and trailer.
It is super fancy, and will have you living the high life all the way to your favorite destination.
From the outside, you can tell there’s going to be something special on the inside.
But, you’d never guess it’s THIS special on the inside.
I mean, it looks like somebody straight-up rich and famous owns this big rig.
Just in the front room, you can see multiple flat-screen TVs, marble-looking countertops, and super luxurious chairs and couches.
I could just live in the bedroom. I don’t even need the whole thing. Just give me this bedroom, complete with king-sized bed flat screen TV.
Ahhh I love this!
Seriously. This truck puts the dinky little RV that we were looking at to shame!
And look at that shower!!
What do you think? Could you spend some quality time traveling the country in this Peterbilt truck?