This Oogie Boogie Coin Bank Is Absolutely Meant To Be In Your Nightmare Before Christmas Collection
Well, well, well, what have we here? You can get a Nightmare Before Christmas Oogie Boogie coin bank, because why WOULDN’T you want one!

You’re joking! You’re joking! I can’t believe I’ve never seen this super-cute Oogie before. His villainous, intimidating ways are exactly what I need in my life.
Not to mention, he’s hella cute!!
Seriously, as soon as I saw him, I knew he was meant to be mine. Have you ever seen a more adorbs Oogie Boogie?!? He’s not-so-scary, and perfect!

Oogie Boogie is made of a durable plastic, and he measures about 9 inches tall — plenty of room to collect those coins.

Your kids will LOVE collecting their chore money in this naughty dude, and he’s the perfect thing to help save up for that beach road trip.
This gambling Boogie Man comes complete with his dice, so he can play his not-so-fair games of chance — Nice work, Bone Daddy!
You can get your own Oogie Boogie coin bank from the website. He is only $20, and he’d make the PERFECT early Halloween gift — for ME!!

If you’ve made it THIS far, you are OBVIOUSLY a Nightmare Before Christmas FANatic! I get it. I am, too!! I wish I could show you ALL the cool NBC things that we’ve found.
We are kinda partial to the perfection that is everything Nightmare Before Christmas!
One of my very most FAVORITE things EVER is this Jack Skellington Frappuccino off the Starbucks Secret Menu. It is a little dirty, and a little sweet, just like the Pumpkin King, himself.

You also NEED to check out this Nightmare Before Christmas Oogie Boogie Operation Game. My kids LOVE picking the bugs out of Oogie Boogie!!

OMG — there is SO much I want to show you. Just go the the Totally The Bomb website, and search Nightmare Before Christmas. You will find over 10 pages of everything related to this Halloween (Christmas?) favorite!!