People Are Whitening Their Teeth With A Magic Eraser. Here’s What A Dentist Had To Say.
When I first came across the TikTok video of the lady keeping her teeth white and bright with a Magic Eraser I was shocked, does it really work? Is it safe?
Many days later I came across a dentist’s TikTok that addressed it and I was a bit shocked!
Let me state that I am not giving medical advice or advising anyone to do this, but thought it was interesting enough to share.
There is a TikTok user that goes by the handle @theheatherdunn that quickly went viral for showing someone how she had such white teeth.
People were completely shooketh when she demonstrated her trick!
Heather demonstrated how she would tear off a little piece of a Magic Eraser and literally erase the stains from her teeth.
My first thoughts were: is this safe, and man how can you stand that squeaking sound?
A dentist came across her TikTok as well, and at first, he was also concerned, but then he did some research and the answers blew my mind!
Dr. Justin Griffin is a dentist that goes by the handle of @smile_doc on TikTok.
Instead of fully reacting, he actually did research and found studies on this very thing!
He was actually super interested in what he learned, and I think it’s awesome that he shared the information because some people were really coming for her.
Melamine Foam
Magic Erasers are Melamine Foam, there are no added cleaning chemicals or anything like some people were stating in her comments.
The dentist makes it clear that you shouldn’t eat them, nor should you let children do this, but he also states that it is safe if done properly.
He also stated that the way she is doing it is fine and safe!
You can watch her TikTok post here and the Dentists response TikTok here! Let me know what you think!