Pixar Released The Teaser Trailer For SOUL And I’m Getting My Tissues Ready Now
PIXAR! What are you doing with my emotions?
They killed off Nemo’s mom in the first 5 minutes of the film. I had to watch as Ellie from UP passed away before my eyes. I can’t even discuss Bing Bong from Inside Out without needing a tissue. The Good Dinosaur was so sweet, my children were in tears. And I can’t even talk about EVERY Toy Story movie ever made. Don’t mistake my words. I still absolutely LOVE you, PIXAR!

Now, PIXAR has release the trailer for their new film, SOUL. I don’t know if I can take it. I will be watching it — because, well, PIXAR — but I will be bringing along a case of tissues.
The trailer doesn’t give away too much, but it’s enough to know that it will be GOOD — and tissue worthy.
Soul follows Joe, a middle school band teacher, played by Jamie Foxx. He dreams of playing jazz piano music in a New York club. Life, however, has a way of changing our plans in an instant.

Joe must now team up with “22” a quirky little character played by Tina Fey. Little 22 doesn’t think Earthly life is all that great — I’m getting a real Sadness vibe from Inside Out — who happen to be my favorite character EVER.

Joe is tasked with the challenge of discovering what it means to reallly have a soul. BREAK OUT THE BOX OF TISSUES!

Soul is set to come out in June of 2020. Will it be the film of the summer? I’m betting YES.

It’s set to be full of music — HELLO, Jaime Foxx — and lot of laughs — I love Tina Fey — and there will be tears. The perfect Pixar trifecta!

Of course, the internet is already buzzing about this new PIXAR movie.
AND, of course —
If you need a list of Pixar movies to binge watch, here is a list of Pixar movies to date. I highly recommend — ALL OF THEM!
Make sure to also get your subscription to Disney+, where I’m betting you can watch your favorite films from Disney and Pixar!
You can check out the trailer for Soul below.