Reese’s Released The Ultimate Peanut Butter Lovers Cup That Has No Chocolate
Yesterday was ‘National Peanut Butter Lovers Day’ and Hershey announced a brand new product coming out and I can not wait to try it!

I love Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups! They’ve been one of my favorites since I was a kid, I still remember the funny commercials from the 80s.

The first Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups were released back in 1928! I would say they’ve had a great run with the original creation.

It never hurts to add a new twist, as long as you keep the original right? The new Reese’s Ultimate Peanut Butter Lovers Cups sounds amazing!

Instead of the chocolate candy coating cup that contains the peanut butter filling, these will have a peanut butter candy-flavored shell! This is definitely meant for the peanut butter lover!

Hershey’s is releasing the Reese’s Ultimate Peanut Butter Lovers Cups as a limited time product!
While launching a Reese’s Cup with absolutely no chocolate might come as a shock, we’re giving the truest peanut butter fans something to go wild about. The frenzy that comes with changing an icon like the Reese’s Cup is real – but you can still enjoy the classic plus get more peanut butter flavor with a new option that’s every peanut butter lover’s dream!
said Margo McIlvaine, Reese’s Brand Manager

The new Reese’s Ultimate Peanut Butter Lovers Cups will be available in April. You will be able to buy them in standard, king size, and miniature sizes.
I can’t wait to give them a try! Will you be trying them too?