Sam Elliott Having a Cowboy Dance Off to ‘Old Town Road’ In This Super Bowl Commercial is Everything
Look, I am almost 30 but I am not afraid that Sam Elliott has still got “it”.

Sam Elliott Having a Cowboy Dance Off to ‘Old Town Road’ In This Super Bowl Commercial is Everything. I mean, he certainly wears that Cowboy hat well!

In this new Doritos Cool Ranch Commercial, Sam Elliot has a Cowboy Dance off with Lil Nas X.

Not going to lie, from the beginning, I was rooting for Sam Elliot to win.

He’s just got that sophisticated, cowboy vibe. The vibe where you know he’s good with his hands – to work on the Ranch I mean. Duh!
And then he smacks his own ass – YESSSSSS!

Anyways, in it, you see him bust a few moves before he accepts his defeat by Lil Nas X.

Awww he didn’t win but in my book he’s still a winner.

Also, is that Billy Ray Cyrus at the end?!

You can watch the Doritos Super Bowl Commercial featuring Sam Elliot below.