The First Sneak Peek At The ‘Hocus Pocus’ Reunion Is Here and I’m So Excited
Hocus Pocus is such a staple Halloween movie that it’s impossible not to beg for a sequel! I mean, who doesn’t want to see Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Kathy Najimy back together brewing up something quite delightful?!

Although the actual sequel isn’t ready yet, the witchy trio is getting back together for a virtual “Hulaween” fundraising event for the New York Restoration Project this month!
This event was previously an exclusive in-person event. But of course, social distancing and all, it has all gone virtual! On top of being able to purchase a reservation to be a part of the event, various limited edition pieces of merchandise have also been created to honor the occasion!
Bette Midler took to Instagram to give us a little sneak peak, saying:
Your 3 fav witches – @sarahjessicaparker@kathynajimy & ME – are returning for 1 night only on 10/30 at 8p ET! “In Search of the Sanderson Sisters” is the best thing to happen to #Halloween since Hocus Pocus + Reeses Pieces. Get your tix now (link in bio) and support @NYRP#nyrphulaween
Producer Mick Garris stated in an interview:
“I’m excited about [the sequel], but I really think the main reason the movie worked was the Sanderson Sisters, those actresses in those roles, those performances, that I think is the key to that movie’s long life,” Garris told “It was only modestly successful when it came out, at best. And I think they are the reasons that it’s still around since it came out in 1993. And I would love to see them return in it. I think that’s the plan, but I don’t know. I heard that that is what’s happening, and I believe it’s going to be for Disney+, but I’m not involved in it, which is fine. You don’t always want to revisit all of the touchstones of your past.”
This reunion event will be held on October 30th and you can purchase your tickets and check it out at NYRP’s official website. And we will be back to give you as many details about the movie sequel as we get them!