Starbucks Is Closing 400 Stores and Going To Focus More On Take Out and Pick Up Instead
If you love Starbucks you might want to sit down for this one… Starbucks Is Closing 400 Stores and Going To Focus More On Take Out and Pick Up Instead.

No, don’t freak out just yet…
While Starbucks did announce they are closing nearly 400 stores Nationwide, it is meant to transition stores into more of a take out and pick option rather than a sit in cafe.

I won’t lie, this does make me a bit sad because Starbucks was THE place I’d run to get some peace and quiet for a little bit. However, this is much better news than them closing entirely, right?

Starbucks has said they plan to close up to 400 stores in the US and Canada over the next 18 months, while at the same time adding around 300 carryout and pick-up only locations.

The announcement was made in the company’s latest SEC filing. About 300 new North American stores that specialize in carryout and pickup options over the next year and a half will be opened.

So, why are they doing this?
Well, it is no surprise that the current situation of things has caused many businesses to feel loss of income and Starbucks is not immune to any of it. In fact, Starbucks sales in the last week of May were down 32% when compared to the same week in 2019.

By moving forward with this new on-the-go type strategy, they can help ensure they are meeting the needs of customers while eliminating large crowds and further spread the virus during this pandemic. Which we all know isn’t going away anytime soon.

The company also stated that:
Prior to the COVID-19 crisis, approximately 80 percent of Starbucks U.S. transactions were on-the-go, driven in part by the ability to order and pay ahead using the Starbucks® App. While the pandemic has disrupted customer behavior, the company’s strong digital relationships, combined with the ability to adjust locations through store renovations, relocations and new builds, and add new store formats, are unique strengths that Starbucks will lean into as part of this plan.

So, naturally most people have already been using this on-the-go model.
While we may not have the same ability to go in and sit down and have a good conversation over a cup of coffee, at least our favorite coffee chain isn’t going anywhere. I am certainly happy about that because I am OBSESSED with the Mango Dragonfruit Refresher!!
You can check out the entire detailed statement made by Starbucks here.