You Can Get A White Chocolate Raspberry Cake Latte From Starbucks That Is Dessert In A Cup
Just the name of this drink is already making drool a little bit. Cake in a cup? Yes please!

So I threw together some amazing cake flavors to bring you this White Chocolate Raspberry Cake Latte!

This is a caffeinated sugary bliss that is sure to give you the boost you need to get thought the rest of the day!

Just make sure you grab our recipe below because you can’t find this on the typical Starbucks menu! This is only found on our Starbucks Secret Menu and you’ll need our recipe below!

How To Order The White Chocolate Raspberry Cake Latte
Start by ordering an Iced Grande White Mocha.

Then, ask for it to be made with soy milk, one pump of hazelnut, and two pumps of raspberry syrup.

And finally, ask for strawberry puree and caramel crunch topping to go on top of the whipped cream.

That’s all you need to get your hands on this delicious treat! Be sure to check out our TikTok video if you need help ordering this!

White Chocolate Raspberry Cake Latte
- Iced Grande White Mocha
- Soy Milk
- Raspberry Syrup
- Strawberry Puree
- Caramel Crunch Topping
- Start by ordering a Grande Iced White Mocha.
- Ask for it to be made with soy milk.
- Ask for two pump of raspberry syrup.
- Ask for strawberry puree and caramel crunch topping to go on top of the whipped cream.
It taste horrible