Starbucks Will No Longer Be Doing Their BOGO Happy Hour Every Thursday. Here’s What We Know.
Ugh. I’ve got some bad news from the world of Starbucks.

They had originally planned to have their Happy Hour EVERY Thursday this summer, which was AWESOME!!
But, that plan has changed just a little bit.

You know about their Happy Hour, right? On Thursdays, you could buy any handcrafted beverage (Frappuccinos, Caramel Macchiatos, Lattes), and get one FREE.
I went twice a day, with a different friend each time. Ha! Gotta take full advantage, right?!?

But, word is, the crowds during Happy Hour were getting INSANE. WAY more people showed up for their BOGO drinks than they ever imagined would stop by the store.
It just simply wasn’t safe, because social distancing became a problem.

In fact, it was such a problem that Starbucks Partners started an online petition to do away with Happy Hours. They didn’t feel safe working during the Happy Hour promotion.
At the time this article was written, 4,485 partners had signed this online petition.

It appears that Starbucks may have heard their employees’ cries, because things have changed up for the remained of the summer.

An anonymous source tells us that that the company sent out a message to its employees that said they were going to change up the way they were doing Happy Hour from now until the end of the summer.

They are NOT going to do Happy Hour EVERY Thursday. They will have Happy Hour on SELECT Thursdays, and then throw in some other promotions to supplement the change.

They’re not cancelling ALL of the Happy Hours, just greatly reducing the number of Happy Hours, and shifting to other promotions. It’s in an effort to reduce the number of customers coming in at one time, because of the increase in coronavirus cases.
Anonymous Starbucks Employee

So, you can still go earn Stars — in fact, watch the Starbucks app. They have special promotions for extra stars happening all summer! You just won’t get BOGO on drinks EVERY Thursday.

Remember to go easy on your Starbucks Baristas. They didn’t make this decision. The decision came from corporate. Those Baristas are just doing their jobs as they are told.