A Rare Celestial Event Called ‘The Parade of Planets’ Is Happening Soon and You Won’t Want to Miss It
Did you miss the total eclipse? If so, no worries because we have another cosmic wonder coming to the skies, the Parade of Planets!

The Parade of Planets is a planetary alignment, this is when several planets in our solar system line up in a straight line and can be seen from Earth.

You don’t need any special equipment to view the Parade of Planets. You should be able to spot Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, and Saturn with the naked eye.

If you want to see more, then sure, bring out the binoculars and telescopes and you may just add Uranus and Neptune to your view.
Those of you on the East Coast will have the best chance for a great view, especially those of you in New York state.

This event doesn’t last long, so you will need to be prepared. On June 3rd, 2024, just before sunrise, you will have a brief window for viewing the Parade of Planets.
Will you be watching?