This Site Shows Random Street Views From Around The World and I Can’t Stop Using It
I have spent entirely too much time on this website. Ha!

The premise is simple — It just shows you a random street somewhere in the world.

But, it’s somehow addicting. I found myself hitting the “Next Location” button for half-an-hour before I even knew it had been that long.

I mean, it was pretty cool to be on The Great Wall of China one minute, and some random street in Bulgaria the next.

I also found it oddly comforting to know that my street, my house, and even my yard look just like some spot on a random street in Russia or Denmark. I’m not sure why I found that so satisfying — but, I did.

It made the world seem just a little bit smaller. Like, I could be neighbors with some of these people. It was really cool!

You don’t pick where you go. You simply hit the “Next” button, and your whisked away to some other random place in the world.

What a GREAT geography lesson for the kids! You could have them hit “Next,” and then have them research a little bit about the location that comes up!

Random Street View can be found HERE, but be careful. It’s addicting! LOL!

Just for fun, there are 33 Historic Tours you can virtually take right from the comfort of your own home.