
Tom Holland Announces He’s Taking A Social Media Hiatus for His Mental Health and I Totally Get It

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Tom Holland’s recent move is proof that even celebrities need to take breaks from social media too…

I won’t lie, ever since 2020, I feel like I am on a constant moving roller coaster and social media seems to be fuel to that dumpster fire some days.

So, I can totally get where he is coming from…

Earlier this week, Tom Holland announced he is taking a break from Twitter and Instagram and explained why.

He starts out by saying:

“I’ve taken a break from social media for my mental health because I find Instagram and Twitter to be overstimulating, to be overwhelming. I get caught up and I spiral when I read things about me online and ultimately it is very detrimental to my mental state. So, I decided to take a step back and delete the app.”


He then continues that he came back for a very brief moment to share information about a charity that he sponsors that helps kids in need.


So many people have shown their love and support for his decision to step away from social media along with the message he is sending to young kids including Justin Bieber.

Honestly, good for him.

I am so glad that someone like him that kids see as a role model both on and off screen, see that it’s healthy to step away from social media.


Kudos Tom and we will be here when you get back!

You can watch the Tom Holland video below.

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