Monkey Bread

Super Easy

This is one of the easiest recipes I’ve ever come across, and if I can do it, you certainly can, too!!

store-bought biscuits sugar ground cinnamon butter brown sugar Sweetened Condensed Milk 



Seriously, you won’t believe how EASY this recipe is. It’s almost foolproof — just don’t let it burn. Ha!

Make The Monkey Bread

– Place the biscuit pieces in a pan — a bundt pan is traditional, but you can also use a square pan or a round pie pan — and pour the brown sugar mixture all over the top. – Cook it at 350 degrees fahrenheit 30-40 minutes, until the top is a dark golden brown.

If you are looking for something tasty to drink with your monkey bread, try these simple Hot Chocolate Bombs. They are so stinkin’ good!!