Women Are Asking Their Spouses What the ‘R’ Means on A Tampon, The Answers Are Hilarious
If you are in need of something to laugh out loud about you’ve landed on the right post!
Women Are Asking Their Spouses What the ‘R’ Means on A Tampon, The Answers Are Hilarious. Seriously, be prepared to pee your pants laughing.

This trend started on Facebook and instantly went viral. Hundreds of women are posting their responses in comments and sharing screenshots of conversations with their significant others.
If you haven’t noticed, some tampons have “R” or “S” on the packages and the reason has some people stumped coming up with all sorts of hilarious explanations.

These are some of my favorites from that conversation:

BAHAHA right and left vag…

Rated “R” well, he’s not wrong!

But in case you really want to know what the “R” and “L” means on the tampon package, R stands for Regular and L stands for Light.

You’re welcome for making you laugh out loud today!