Girl Scouts Is Offering Free Educational Activities Kids Can Do At Home
Besides from Girl Scouts allowing its customers to order cookies online to be delivered to our door, the company has also taken the liberty to provide some cool activities online for children.

It’s called the Girl Scouts At Home. The program stimulates similar leadership activities that Girl Scouts would normally do when they meet in person.
Together with your kids, you can experience leadership activities, self-guided lessons, badge earning opportunities and exciting activities with your children while they’re home from school.
There are currently two ways to explore this program to determine what’s right for you and your kid. One is by category, which currently involves four different sections ranging from STEM, Outdoors, Life Skills and Entrepreneurship.
While the second option is by grade level, starting from Kindergarten to 12th grade.

Starting with STEM, this topic is specifically for kids who want to pursue science, technology, engineering, and math! And let me you remind you, that each topic is also separated by grade level to make your search for your kids even easier!

Next up on the list is Outdoors. This category involves eight different videos of outdoor fun! Kids will gain outdoor skills, how to use natural resources, learning how to respect wildlife, etc.

Thirdly, the Life Skills section teaches kids how to make a difference in their own community!

And last but not certainly least, Entrepreneurship! Kids can learn how to set goals, manage money and learn how to run their own business from the ground up! What better way to teach your kids they can do anything they set their mind too by teaching them key factors in Entrepreneurship!

At no cost, Girl Scouts is giving your kids the opportunity to learn leadership and gain confidence through knowledge, while also having the chance to earn Girl Scout badges too!
You can access Girl Scouts At Home Here.