Are Your Kids’ Light Up Shoes Safe?

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You know those light up shoes your kids wear everywhere? The ones with the cartoon characters and velcro straps? Well, Reddit user Jovianflower left her son’s pair of Jake and the Neverland Pirates light up shoes that she got at Payless in the car overnight and they caught fire.


She said, “When we went out to our car this morning, we saw that a fire had happened inside. It pretty much burnt the floor in the back seat and the back of the passenger seat and the back bench seat. We came to the conclusion (along with the fire marshall) that it was my son’s light-up shoes that started the fire. They were completely burnt and charred up with the wires from the lights sticking out.”

light up shoes catching fire

If you’re like me, you assume that the shoes are just little light up LED’s with a watch battery or something simple, but she said that when her husband took apart the other shoe, it had a lithium coil with connectors that weren’t insulated at all.

Reddit users speculated that they were using the foam soles to create insulators for the wire instead of using a separate insulation. The shoes weren’t in direct sunlight, because it happened overnight.

wire from light up shoes catching fire

What do you do if you have these shoes? Well, it’s up to you, but we are throwing all of ours out right now. A cool light in a sneaker isn’t worth that happening while my kid has these on her feet.

You can read her full reddit post here.

Image credit, Jovianflower


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  1. From what I researched, the “Harris County Fire Marshal Office determined a child’s light-up shoes did not set a Katy family’s SUV on fire”

  2. Really a nice article on interesting topic.Now-a-days,led shoes are favorite shoes of kids.was truly information. Your website is very useful. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Hello! I am the OP, Jovianflower. Thanks so much for sharing this. I don’t want to cause panic, but if this had happened to another family, I would for sure want to know.