Michaels Released An Entire Rainbow Collection In Support Of Pride Month. Here’s What You Can Get.
June is LGBT PRIDE month. To help celebrate, it’s time to break out everything RAINBOW and BRIGHT to show your solidarity and support.

For all your PRIDE celebrations, you only need to stop at Michaels stores, as they have TONS of PRIDE accessories, clothing, and other supplies.

This, of course, is not something you will see at Hobby Lobby, which is traditionally more conservative. If you type in “Pride” on the Hobby Lobby website, you will get sports accessories and outfits. That’s not exactly the kind of PRIDE we are going for.

We need everything bright and rainbow-y, and you will get that right at Michaels, and the Michaels website!

One of my FAVORITE things that Michaels has is this Rainbow Cooler. This padded cooler is a full 12 inches deep, and is GREAT for all your PRIDE celebrations.

You can also get rainbow leis and rainbow feather clips for you hair. Gah! They are total must-have accessories.

If you are looking for PRIDE T-shirts, you can definitely find what you are looking for right at Michaels! Almost every one of their T-shirts range in size from small to extra large, and they are only 10 bucks!

If you need to stock up on your PRIDE flags, just throw them right in your cart with all your other PRIDE accessories!

Michaels also has all kinds of DIY tutorials for PRIDE wear and accessories! I’m doing the tie-dye t-shirt TODAY!

They have SO much more — you just have to go check them out! There are a few things you can only get online, so you may want to start there.

More good news — with code 20MAKE4120, you can 20% off your online PRIDE purchase!! As if you needed more reason to buy. *Smile*